Search Engine Marketing

paid search engine marketing

Search engine marketing has grown to include many different facets.  Its more than just working on getting your business to the front of Google and needs to include a strategy across each domain of Search.  At Collision Digital, we provide an integrated approach that includes performance metrics so you can see how your investment is performing.

Search Engine Optimisation

Depending on the market and your specific keywords that relate to your business, optimising your site to rank highly on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing is a medium to long term strategy.  Everyone wants to be on the first page, but not everyone deserves to be there. Your business, brand and website have to earn that right. Google now use over 200 signals in their algorithm for scoring and last year, there were over 540 quality improvements to their search algorithm alone.

Paid Search Engine Campaigns (Pay Per Click – PPC)

Clients who invest in our Pay-Per-Click services consistently see their ad clicks turn into revenue for their company. Not only do we know how to maximize advertising budgets to produce the strongest, longest-lasting results, but our PPC specialists have years of experience optimizing ads to generate new leads and traffic for our clients. We will improve the targeting of potential customers, boost conversions, cut your cost per conversion, and increase your ROI. Making Pay-Per-Click part of your search engine marketing strategy is essential if you are interested in a strong launch for a new website or landing page, gaining qualified leads while eliminating wasted clicks, and increasing your market share online.  We have some of the lowest rates in the market for paid search making it a viable option for small to medium businesses that want to maintain a presence.

Search Engine Display Advertising

The Google Display Network makes it possible for you to show your ads on websites, mobile apps, and video that partner with Google — using a variety of ad formats like text, image ads, and more. Its a great format to use to keep your business at the forefront of customers minds while they look around other sites such as industry ones.

Search Engine Reporting

No digital marketing program is complete without including at least the basic reporting.  Its essential to ensure that our work is performing, or supporting the need to change and refine to improve.  This is always our starting point for this reason, but it also gives us a great way to demonstrate our improvements to your business.

Keyword Analysis and Reporting

Search Engine Marketing always begins with keyword analysis.  It’s one of the most important activities in the whole process as the research to find the right keywords for your business and target market is a crucial part of the online campaign.  Our research will not only arm you with the right keywords for the right visitors, but offer some great insights into their activities such as what they are searching for when looking for your services.